中国庐江,居皖之中,在北纬 30° 57′~ 31° 33′之间,山川有温度,风物会言说。
庐江城东新区 / Lujiang Chengdong New Area
To know a place should begin with the meaning of its name. "Lu" stands for house, a place that shelters people. A wanderer may often miss his "Lu" and ask himself where his hometown is.
"Jiang" means flow that never ends. Even now living in a big house, one might also recall his starting point when his heart calms for a while from a "flowing" feast with excitement. With "Lu" in the front and "Jiang" behind, it is like a kite flying high, while the thread still in the hand.
Lujiang, a city in China, located in the center of Anhui, lies between 30°57′ and 31°33′ north latitude, where people are friendly and the landscape speaks.
“庐江”二字最早出自《山海经·海内东经》,这条江名现为哪条水流尚无定论。后郡因江名,县因郡名,延续至今。庐江又叫潜,即潜川,始于南朝梁 (《梁书》《魏书·地形志》)。
灵动黄陂湖 / Intoxicating Huangbei Lake
今庐江之地,春秋属舒国,战国属楚,秦属舒邑,汉为舒县。“庐江郡”设于西汉初。“庐江县”名始于隋 (《隋书·地理志》),另说始于南朝梁 (《太平寰宇记》)。
环巢湖旅游大道白石天河大桥/ Baishi Tianhe Bridge linking Chaohu Tourist Highway
这样一个千年之地,境内有低山、丘陵、圩区和湖泊,地势西南高,东北低 , 素有“东丘、南岗、西山、北圩”之称。汤池温泉则位于西边,王安石曾写下,“寒泉诗所咏,独此沸如蒸”。
亚洲最大的“天体温泉宫”/ The largest domed hot spring in Asia
Whenever and wherever, remember the way you came!
"Lujiang River originates in Mt. Santian Zidu, flows into the Yangtze from the west to Pengze that is also known as Tianzizhang.""Lujiang" first appeared in The Classic of Mountains and Seas. Now we don"t know which river it meant. The prefecture was named after the river and the county thereafter. Lujiang is also known as Qianchuan in The Book of the Liang Dynasty and The Book of the Wei State.
In history, the land of Lujiang belonged to the Shu State, the Chu State, and the City of Shuyi. It became a county called Shu in the Han Dynasty. The name of Lujiang first appeared in The Book of the Sui Dynasty, but some argued it first appeared in The Notes of the Peace Earth.
金孔雀温泉 / Golden Peacock Hot Spring Center
The name is precious wealth to us. As The Classic of Mountains and Seas is the oldest geography book in China, the name of Lujiang in it means the city is now over 2,000 years old.
In this land of long history are low mountains, hills, polder areas and lakes. The topography tilts from southwest to northeast, featuring hills in the east, downland in the south, mountains in the west and polder areas in the north. Tangchi Hot Spring is to the west of the county seat.
Every inch of the land is a source of echo to history.
那一轮明月 ,也曾是周瑜久久仰望的
欧冶子,春秋末期到战国初期越国人,是中国古代铸剑鼻祖。《魏书·地形志》有记载:“潜(庐江县于南北朝为潜县 ) 有野父山,春秋越国欧冶子为楚王铸剑之所。”这座山,后更名为冶父山,位于庐江县城东部。拾级而上,在冶父山顶,一座经过修缮的铸剑池,仿佛在说着古人伟大的智慧和高超的技艺。
周瑜塑像 / Zhou Yu Statue
遥想公瑾当年,娶小乔,才子佳人世人流传;退曹操,战功卓著好不风光。除了一身宏韬大略,相传周瑜精通音律,江东有“曲有误,周郎顾”之语。奈何周瑜英年早逝,令人唏嘘。周瑜墓便位于庐江县庐城镇,墓园主要由门楼、影壁、阙门、石像生、享堂、碑廊、文物展厅等东汉风格建筑群组成,是展示和传播庐江人文历史的园地。1989 年 5 月 27 日,周瑜墓被安徽省人民政府批准为第三批省级重点文物保护单位。
庐江县名人馆 / Lujiang County Hall of Fame
The skies are above and the earth is below, the sun and the moon shine over the history. The bright moon is the same once Zhou Yu looked up at for a long time.
When reading the chapters of history, you will encounter Ou Yezi, a famous maker of swords, Zhou Gongjin, a talented and handsome general, Jiao Zhongqing, who devoted his life to true love, and Sun Li-jen, a brilliant general against Japanese invaders, to name only a few.
Ancient sages are forgotten, only drinkers left their names. In this land, many sages loved Mt. Yefu year after year.
Ou Yezi is the earliest maker of swords in the Spring and Autumn period. According to The Book of the Wei State, Mt. Yefu located in Qianxian is the place where Ou Yezi made swords for the king of Chu. The mountain is to the east of the county seat. After ascending the stairs to the top of the mountain, you will see a well-preserved pond for quenching the sword, demonstrating the great wisdom and prowess of the ancient people.
冶父山胜境 / Scenic Mt. Yefu
When talking about marriage, people say it was really a good match between Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao; when talking about his outstanding military exploit, defeating Cao Cao was really glorious. In addition to his military ability, Zhou Yu was proficient in music. Unfortunately he died young. His tomb is in Lucheng Town, Lujiang County. The tomb garden is mainly composed of an arch over the gateway, a screen wall, watch towers, stone sculptures, a memorial hall, a corridor of steles, and an exhibition hall, all in the eastern Han architecture style. The tomb was included in the list of important heritage site under provincial protection on May 27, 1989.
Lujiang has produced a galaxy of talent since ancient times. It is the hometown of many Huai Army generals, including five civil and military governors in the Qing Dynasty: Liu Bingzhang, Wu Changqing, Wu Zancheng, Pan Dingxin and Ding Ruchang, all influential figures to the formation and development of Huai Army and the modern history of China. The world-known anti-Japanese general Sun Li-jen was also a native of Lujiang.
抢收水稻 颗粒归仓 / Drying rice grain in the sun
2019年年产粮食76.3万吨,油料4万吨 ,干茶1000吨,水产品产量4万吨,肉类总产量4.5万吨。
庐江境内矿产资源种类多、储量大、品位高。现已探明的有铁、硫、铜、矾、铅锌、紫砂、石灰石、高岭土、钾长石等 28 种,其中:铁矿储量 10 亿多吨,硫铁矿储量 3 亿多吨,分别占全省的 1/4 和1/2;明矾石储量 3.5 亿吨,为全国第二。
从“江北小九华”——冶父山到“华东第一泉”——汤池温泉,庐江县境内山明水秀,发展旅游业 的条件得天独厚。截至目前,庐江有国家4A级旅游景区2家,3A级旅游景区6家。2016年被原国家旅游局(今文旅部)批准为第二批国家全域旅游示范区创建单位,2018年跻身全省十大全域旅游目的地,荣获中国最美乡村旅游休闲名县称号。
新四军江北指挥部 / The site of the headquarters of the New Fourth Army in the north to the Yangtze
Different places cultivate different people and different places produce different
specialties. The grain produced in the same land of rice and fish in the mountains fed our forefathers before and feed us today.
With abundant natural resources, Lujiang County is a national producer of commodity grain, edible oil, aquatic products, livestock, and poultry production.
In 2019, the annual grain output reached 763,000 tons, oilseed 40,000 tons, tea 1,000 tons, aquatic products 40,000 tons, and meat 45,000 tons.
Lujiang boasts quality mineral resources. There are 28 kinds of verified minerals, including iron, sulfur, copper, alum, lead, zinc, purple sand, limestone, kaolin, potassium feldspar and so on. Among them, the reserves of iron ore and pyrite are over 1 billion tons and over 300 million tons, accounting for 1/4 and 1/2 of those in the whole province respectively. The reserve of alunite is 350 million tons, ranking second in China.
庐江矾矿 / Lujiang Vanadium Mine
Featuring beautiful scenery and tourist attractions like Mt. Yefu and Tangchi Hot Spring, Lujiang is blessed for the development of tourism. As of now, Lujiang has two 4A-rated national tourist attractions and six 3A-rated tourist attractions. In 2016, Lujiang was recognized as a demonstration pilot unit for the whole-area tourism-based development by former National Tourism Administration. In 2018, Lujiang made the list of top 10 whole-area tourist destinations in Anhui and honored as a chosen leisure tourism county featuring most beautiful countryside.
When roaming in the Huangtun Old Street, you will feel the sense of history. You will feel like traveling through time to a simple and tranquil village. When visiting the site of the headquarters of the New Fourth Army, you will better understand in a solemn atmosphere with respect how the senior revolutionists made strategy.
In Lujiang, what history has left is the endless vitality, the impressive fighting spirit, and the courage to go forward.
这匹“黑马” ,已然成为合肥的“后花园”
航拍庐江县城 / An aerial view of Lujiang County
庐江县汤池镇盘山公路龙飞凤舞 / Meandering mountain road, Tangchi Town, Lujiang County
In 2011, Lujiang was adjusted into thejurisdiction of Hefei. Since then, it has jumped12 places in the ranking of development in eight consecutive years. It has been list into the national top 100 counties strong in potential returns to inbound investment and the provincial top 10 counties in comprehensive strength. In 2018, Lujiang has also been listed as one of the top 10 counties in Anhui Province in terms of economic aggregate.
With the support from the whole province, Lujiang has made a qualitative leap in its development. Let"s take the construction of the East New Area as an example: this area is an important part of the urban area of Lujiang, with a beautiful environment bordering a forest park in the east and adjacent to the landscape belt by a river in the west. This area is advantageous in location and easily accessible, for G316 and G319 highways pass through it.
民宿建设实现乡村振兴 / Home stay business facilities revitalizes rural areas
The development of a city is inseparable from transportation. The recent completion of Lujiang- Tongling Railway links Lujiang to Ma"anshan. The construction of Hefei-Anqing High-speed Railway is in the final "sprint" stage, and Lujiang will soon share the high-speed railway. In the future, it will take only 15 minutes from Lujiang to Hefei. The south extension project of Huizhou Dadao from Hefei goes smoothly. After the completion, it will take only half an hour to drive from Lujiang to Hefei. Hefei is planning a subway to Lujiang in the future, which means the county will soon be integrated into the half-hour economic circle of the city,
Besides the fast infrastructure construction, Lujiang steps up efforts to attract more investment. Recently, Lujiang has listed new energy, new materials, smart equipment manufacturing, medicine, life science, and circular economy as the main areas open to investment.
As a pioneer in the economic development, Lujiang High-tech Zone plays an important role in introducing inbound investment. In 2019, it has signed 24 new projects each with an investment of over 100 million yuan, including two with an investment of over 1 billion yuan each, three 500 million to 1 billion yuan each and nineteen 100 to 500 million yuan each. In 2020, the zone promotes quality development, industry chains completion, and two super-large clustering projects: power battery material and electronic information, each will reach 10 billion yuan in output.
Lujiang County gives full play to its landscape resource endowment and continuously enriches new forms of rural leisure tourism, including hot spring regimen, leisure and study tour in rural areas.Now, it is a veritable backyard garden of Hefei"s 8 million residents.
文字: 孙婷 张王林
图片:周跃东 李红兵 左学长
李胜利 高晓琴 张倩莹
译审:A. Mabaire(英国)